Inspecting the Model

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Inspecting the Model

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We have now defined a basic RESTful API, with two completed resource definitions, each bound to a data structure:

The TaxFilingObject resource is bound to a single data structure of type TaxFiling.
The PersonObject resource is bound to a single data structure of type Person.

We can also see the TaxBlasterCollection resource that we will complete later.

Looking at the diagram for this project (double-click the Diagram View tab to toggle between full-screen and normal size views), we can see that the reference property taxpayer defined in TaxFiling, which refers to a data structure of type Person, was translated into a red hyperlink arrow from the TaxFilingObject to the PersonObject (ignoring TaxBlasterCollection for now). This is the default treatment for reference links, as long as there is a single resource (or a designated default resource) defined for the target data type.  We can also see template parameter bindings, rendered as blue lines mapping {id} template parameters to their associated data type properties:


Hint: Expanding a view

To view the diagram in a large window double click the tab. To return to the previous state double-click the tab again. You can do this with any of the view tabs.

The diagram has collapsible compartments for resources, data types, reference links and methods.

You can expand and collapse these individually by clicking on the expander triangles in the diagram.
You can also use the Show Details drop-down menu to expand or collapse each compartment type globally, over the entire diagram.
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